MM24 - Sabrina Prioletta: Customer Centric Focus
On episode 24 of the Montreal Marketeers podcast, we talk about being customer focused with Sabrina Prioletta.
Sabrina is the founder of Siva Marketing and also happens to be the first recurring guest on our podcast. If you missed her first episode, check out MM13 to learn how archetypal branding can be used to grow your business.
This time around, we do a deep dive into customer service/experience. In our connected world, companies have the unprecedented ability to get up close and personal with their customers. At the same time, customers now have the capability to broadcast their brand experiences on the internet for everyone to see. The importance of listening and interacting with your clients has become essential.
Check out this week's episode to find out how being customer focused can provide positive returns for your company!
Duration: 49 minutes
- Connecting with your customers and making them feel important
- Actively listening to your customers
- Making sure your customers are aligned to your vision
- Managing customer expectations
- Learning to say no
- Getting customers to give you their opinion on your brand
- Monitoring online interactions
- Syncing branding & customer service
- Staying customer focused even after the sale is over
- Evaluating customer lifetime value